InnerGate Bodywork & Massage



45 minutes: $80
60 minutes: $105
75 minutes: $130
90 minutes: $155
105 minutes: $180
120 minutes: $210

Acupuncture is the ancient Eastern Healing Art that uses ultra-fine, one time use, sterile needles to stimulate specific points on the body; unblocking and correcting the flow of energy (Qi). Our body is constantly searching for homeostasis (balance). Acupuncture helps support our bodies natural balancing function by releasing endorphins (a neurotransmitter responsible for blocking pain receptors), increasing blood and oxygen circulation in order to reduce pain. Acupuncture also works deeply to help with mental-emotional healing and stress-reduction by getting to the root causes, not just the symptoms. If you are already feeling great, Acupuncture is wonderful preventative medicine. Keeping the body in balance is the best way to prevent illness and dis-ease. 

New patient appointments include 30min consultation. 

Acupuncture sessions may be Acupuncture Only (45-90min sessions) or include Massage/Tui Na/Cupping (75-210min)


30 minutes: $60
60 minutes: $120
90 minutes: $180
120 minutes: $240

Deep-Tissue and Swedish Style Massage use a variety of techniques such as kneading, friction, compression and rolling in order to release areas of tension, increase circulation; flushing toxins from the body. Deep tissue is typically slower and more muscle specific whereas Swedish style uses lighter pressure with more long gliding strokes. Myofascial release is a very slow steady technique that does not use oil or lotion. The therapist applies direct pressure to a broad area and waits for the muscles to 'melt' providing the glide which helps to release the fascia that is stuck or stagnant. 

Shiatsu, Tui Na and Acupressure are typically performed with clothing on, these eastern massage modalities use pressure and compression to move energy through the meridian pathways (based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) that may be blocked. Less invasive than Acupuncture, Acu-Pressure and Trigger Point Therapy use specific points on the body to either reduce or tonify. Trigger Points are usually chronic areas of tension that refer pain and sensation to other areas of the body. 

Sports Massage and Stretching can be used both pre and post event to minimize injury and recovery time. Usually performed with clothes on, similar techniques to Tui Na and Deep Tissue Massage.


15 (Add On ONLY) minutes: $25
30 minutes: $55

Cups (glass, ceramic, plastic or silicon) are applied to areas of the body using a flame or a pump to create suction. We believe that pain is caused by the stasis of Qi and Blood. Cupping is known to help increase circulation of blood and lymph, which is great at reducing pain and increasing range of motion.  It is also very well known and often used to eliminate 'wind' or what we know of as the common cold. Cupping techniques can loosen chest congestion and reduce cough as well as bring pathogens to the surface to reduce fever.

The marks that are occasionally left from cupping look like bruises but they are not. Bruises come from impact; cupping marks come from suction. Typically, the marks go away in 3-5 days. Darker spots may take longer, but these are usually areas that are experiencing pain and tension for some time. There are a few different techniques & styles of cupping. Based on your concerns, your practitioner will discuss what they think is best for you and how to care for yourself after treatment.